What is the significance of the Chinese programmer’s claims over the past week that militaries and companies are employing brain-computer interfaces to influence and attempt to control employees and citizens? He makes some dramatic claims:
I'm Hu Lezhi, an ordinary programmer and entrepreneur. Since October 2022, I have realized that I have been monitored and manipulated by brain-controlled organizations since I was born. And when I realized the existence of the brain control organization, they were also increasing the harm to me, I have been very miserable for the past two years, and now I have reached the point where I have completely lost my dignity as a human being, I have decided to leave this world, and I also hope that this ugly world will be destroyed as soon as possible.
Hu apparently donated $7m in crypto-currency to draw attention to the seriousness of his message. The cryptocurrency world online seems to be paying intense attention to his claims. Although there is not much evidence that, outside of this world, his claims are getting much traction. At 11pm EST 19 Feb, the only interest Google News was reporting on outside of the crypto world was a story from Yahoo! - although from its CoinDesk section.
Hu also claims that:
Brain-computer chips have been deployed on a large scale, and all military powers are using base stations, radios, and nano-brain-computer chips to control all citizens
What is interesting about his claims is that they come from somebody who has a platform of some kind and is not easily dismissed as mentally ill, that he was willing to back his claims with huge sums of money, and that they seem to exactly correspond with the thoughts and feelings of many in the Western TI community who feel just as demoralised and exasperated by this horrific social-technological overreach. I identify with his outrage.
There are a lot of online accounts trying to decipher his precise words, and there are surely some translation issues, but what I found interesting about these most peculiar statements are that:
His experience does seem to mirror common TI experience, an experience I share.
His claims link the technical-political with the moral. He expresses great distress about the implications of this tech for the world and personally, warning that he has suffered painfully for two years after becoming aware that he had been targeted since birth - and that if he is taken to the next level with the tech, he will depart the world willingly and wish it destruction.
He names ‘brain-computer weapons’ that persecute employees. I would wish to see further information that links together the mode of ‘persecution’ with the corporate goals that this is supposed to achieve.
There is not much more in the public domain about the identity of Hu Lezhi. He claims to have knowledge that the leaders of Kuande Investment, a Shanghai- and Beijing-based quantitative hedge fund, were unethically deploying brain-computer interfaces and that they too were subject to the technology.
Is this an exposé that shines light on one source of the brain-computer interface that every unethical test subject is experiencing? That the CCP or the PLA and certain companies are deploying this technology for the purposes of social control and, possibly profit?
Hu claims that all military powers are using the technology, comprising ‘base stations, radios, and non-brain computer chips’ to ‘control all citizens’. TIs in the Anglo world who usually assign blame to the US government would not be surprised that Hu attributes blame in the way he does.
However, another interpretation of this scant account is that he might be experiencing the common TI effects (V2K, RNM, mind control and affective influence) from some unknown source and attributing it to what, for a Chinese programmer, might be proximate sources: his employer, and the Chinese military and/or government.
The world will be waiting with bated breath to hear more details and to see if he hasn’t forwarded secret information to WikiLeaks.
From my perspective, I don’t know if the source of my TI experience is US agencies, corrupt contractors, the underworld or some mix of above. I probably factor in US sources as 70% the likely source, with Chinese about 20 and Russia and Israel about 5.
What seems certain is that intelligence and defence have been working on these systems for a long time and the recent huge jumps in AI and other tech capabilities has fed a likely arms race in which China and the US are working in contexts of rumoured advances on either side. Although DeepSeek partially crushed the assumed US advantage in advanced AI, one area China certainly has advantage is in its authoritarian ability to test on subjects without their consent. The Chinese leadership’s motive for developing this technology then stems from a powerful confluence of political-repressive needs and military/intelligence needs.
The best answer for now - even though such answers get us nowhere at present but provide some understanding - is that the US and China have undeclared, extremely invasive systems that can account for both Hu Lezhi’s experience and the experience of hundreds if not thousands of citizens of Western nations - myself included.
Could Hu Lezhi’s disclosures mark the start of hope for long-suffering TIs? A system in which so much has to go right for it to function and protect itself from discovery and dismantling is vulnerable every second of every day.
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