The most forceful mode of engagement is to ignore them.
But if you find yourself locking horns, you may need to turn the tables on them, with force.
Neuroweapons testers (‘gangstalkers’) are trying to take over my mind. They want me to be their robot. They are also trying to make me mentally ill and/or to make me do myself in (suicide) or otherwise harm my interests. I won’t let that happen, and so far, I am confident in how I am holding up.
That said, they exert a 24/7 presence in my mind. The experience of it is like having two criminal abductors who, instead of taking you to a remote location, are transmitting sound into your ear from their cowardly hideout.
They act as if they loathe me. They are narcissistic bullies no different from the worst kind of schoolyard monster. People without an ounce of civility, empathy, or purpose in life, it seems, except to get a kind of thrill out of causing damage. They are wreckers. Nothing to contribute to society, they turn to conflict, thrill, and chaos.
Even though I have a pretty good handle on their techniques and why they do it, I wouldn’t say this means I can transcend it completely. Even though they are criminal outcasts who act as if they desperately would like to partake of life on the outside, and the voice is machine generated almost all the time, the sheer 24/7 quality prevents you from having those moments of reflection that often lead to quality of life and, psychology tells us, is when the brain processes and orders information, making memories and making sense of life.
The 24/7 and the balance of machine-learning driven modes, tones, means that they do tend to find a way in. As if, at some weak moments, I cannot tell whether a thought that arises is mine or is ‘forced’. This is because the machine is trained on how I think and therefore is a master-imitator and predictor of me. It is also, though, that I am trained to given them what they want. They know how to push my buttons so that I give them engagmeent. and engagement, ti seems, is the number one currency they need. Some TIs believe that the criminal perpetrators receive points based on mere engagement - another reason why going grey-rock on them (i.e. ignore entirely) is the first and best strategy.
I had some success putting them in their place, by forcefully reminding them that they are the problem here, that they are committing the foulest acts of treason against their nations and that they are liable to spend the rest of their years behind bars. They are useful idiots pawned into working for corrupt Nazis.
However, this is only necessary to do because they have been adept at making this whole caper feel like it is about me. It is not. Every expert testimony shows that they are conducting testing on random samples so as to build up their knowledge base and extend the capabilities of the system reliably.
If I had not of indulged them by going along with their nicer moments (they sometimes appear thrilled just to be with me, experiencing my life, and will ‘love-bomb’ me or appear interested in my life, which is inherently charming), I would not have needed to operate the reverse condemnation on them, because I would not have felt degraded by them. If you don’t listen, you will still be affected at an emotional level, but they key thing to remember is that they have zero platform and therefore all their tired old insults are equally worth zero.
You, as somebody forced to put up with this, are worth 10,000 times them. Somebody worth 10,000 times somebody else would not give them the time of day.
And when this someone else is a system cooked up by corrupt actors defying their own Constitution and the kind of psychopathic criminals that come around once in a century, you don’t engage. Never engage.
Always ignore.
If you do find yourself having spiralled into a cycle of engagement, I think you do need to fight back and settle the score, not because you want to defeat them but because you want to reclaim you value.
I will post in the near future about the kind of attacks you can use to come back from humiliation and put yourself back on the righteous path of simply being a decent, respectful human being — exactly the kind of person they are not.